States I've Visited

States I've Visited

Yesterday, I kept seeing people share a graphic of the states they've visited. It got me wondering how many I had left to see and here is my map. statesvisited map

Sure, when I was younger we drove to Orlando for vacation, but I don't remember anything more than passing through the Carolinas, so I didn't check those off.

I knew that the Midwest was going to be a blank hole for me and I really need to do something about that.

Of course, Alaska sits there taunting me since it has always been at the top of my personal must visit list.

It was fun to think about times spent in each state. Some were quick visits like apple dumplings in West Virginia. Others were business only trips to Ohio or Iowa.

Finally, some were special life moments like a weekend in North Dakota or quality time with my Dad in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota.

As someone who loves to travel and explore, I'm not going to be happy until I fill this map in.

I wonder if I can check off a few in 2015.

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