Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace


A well lived life is a series of remarkable moments.

We have no idea how many moments we are going to live while we walk the earth.

Last week, my Dad informed me with a smile that my Aunt Maggie had read my new book and he gave me her number to call because he knew her review of it would be one of a kind.

I never called her.

Earlier this year in Ghana, a young girl named Mercy touched my heart as she held my hand and asked me not to leave her hospital room. I pulled away promising myself that I'd do something to help her.

I haven't yet.

Yesterday as I sat in the offices of ONE, I received the news that both had passed away.

One, a woman who had lived a full ninety four years. The other a girl with the biggest smile who was only here for a mere thirteen years.

If I wasn't committed to making the world a better place before, I most certainly am now.

Rest in piece Maggie & Mercy.


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My First Time Seeing The Nutcracker

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