Upper Valley Social Media Breakfast

Yesterday, I got to head back home to keynote the first Social Media Breakfast NH to be held in the Upper Valley. The theme of the day was community and I wanted to really drive home the fact that the first thing needed to do this right is to forget the tools and focus on the people. It was easy to drive this point home since I know the area so well and could explain how if an outsider looks at that area they see The Upper Valley, but I know that within that big community there are smaller ones with distinct personalities. Someone that is from West Lebanon is very different then someone from Hanover. I could see the nods in the room so I knew they got it.

What was awesome about this speaking opportunity is that my father and in-laws were in the room which was very cool for me as they've never seen me speak. I hope sometime my mom can come and see me speak because that would be cool as well.

A job well done to the whole team who made this event happen. It was a perfect location that I look forward to them outgrowing soon as more events are planned in the future. PodCamp NH should also help raise the profile. Great to see awesome activities happening in my home state.

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