Social Media as Verbs

I noticed that I've been using social media terms as verbs lately. What I mean is I've caught myself saying "yeah I spent the last couple of hours facebooking and digging." I knew that Google bought our brain a long time ago and using it as a verb is commonplace now, but I guess I hadn't heard other people doing what I did last night and it gave me pause. Yeah, this is the sort of stuff I think about on a wet, cold, rainy morning. I've been working a lot on the Verizon My Home 2.0 project this week. It's gotten some great coverage in the blogosphere. Really made my day seeing it pop up on Mashable. Plus, it has been nice to hear from several people I really respect how good of a job the social media piece of this is being handled. Always good to hear that. Read the social media press release if you want to find out more.

I've discovered that I'm working harder and longer then ever, but I'm happier as well so you won't hear me complain. Things are becoming much more formal and organized. It feels very good.

Tomorrow Laura and I both are taking the day off for our 11th wedding anniversary. We've both been so crazy that a day unplugged from the world spending time together will be awesome. Then Saturday we actually have a babysitter for a date night as well. Yes, we are making the most of the anniversary. Good of an excuse as any right?

Ok, the music is cranking, the coffee is almost gone. That is the sign to kick the day into high gear.

Calisto Pro from Plantronics

Matthew Ebel Inspired Robot Song