13 Years

Thirteen years ago today friends and family gathered outside the Half Penny Inn surrounded by the fall colors of New England and Laura and I got married.

My Honey and I

I still remember that day and the party that followed and can't help but smile. We wrote our own ceremony. We were surrounded by the people who mattered the most in our lives. As night fell fireworks filled the sky. In the morning my Dad asked everyone if they heard Jingle Bells and everyone but us laughed.

Laura and I have a unique relationship and we know it. It is one that is built on trust, humor and intimacy. Neither of us would have it any other way.

We don't make a big deal out of today because we've always celebrated when we first started dating and that was 20 years ago this past spring. That day REALLY makes us laugh and smile.

But, there is something fun about a baker's dozen worth of married years. They've all been happy for sure and I can't think of anyone I'd rather spend my life with.

Now and always.

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