Twenty years is a long time for anything. Especially when you are only 35 like I am.
But, way back when in 1989, Laura and I started dating on this day. The story of us getting together is a fun one and one that I had planned on telling at this years Fray Cafe, but that didn't happen and I think I'll leave it for another time today.
People are always amazed when they find out that Laura and I are that time old tradition of the "high school sweethearts." We got together at the end of her Senior year and the end of my Sophmore year. Everything about it said that we shouldn't have lasted and we sure did go through some rough patches as well. We use to joke that the odd years were the crappy ones. Thankfully we made it through them.
People (especially guys) are always shocked at our relationship. She honestly is my best friend as well as my lover and wife. We are brutally honest with each other, joke around and know how to have a good time with each other. I'm always amazed at how few other couples are like us. Of course we know we are the lucky ones and shake our heads at so many others.
Laura and I are complete opposites when it comes to most things. But, on the important ones we are two peas in a pod. Our family always comes first, we help each other chase our dreams and our support of each other and our kids is something that never waivers.
People always ask how we have stayed together so long and what is our secret. I always tell them the same three things. Complete honesty, a sense of humor and tons of intimacy. If you have all those then anything is possible.
Twenty years ago I would have never thought a simple tape fight and helping with some math homework would lead to this day. Sure, I missed out on some of the experiences that most people go through and I do wonder about them sometimes, but I wouldn't trade any of those for the experiences I've had and continue to have with Laura.
Now and always sweetie. I love you bunches.