I've been cranking away today on some strategic client work, but was getting lost in the pile of windows, messages and everything else that can quickly fill up a screen at any given time. When I let Roxie out I realized how nice it was and figured it was the perfect time to practice what I preach and unplug for a bit. Good call!
I took this picture as Roxie and I walked back to the house.
The combination of fresh air and the smell of the woods really let me think about what I was working on. Sure, I had my cell phone with me in case anyone needed to get a hold of me and plus it let me take this picture, but besides that I completely unplugged for 30 minutes.
Some might call it slacking, but it was the best way I could have spent that time. I came back with a head full of ideas that I instantly wrote up on my white board so I wouldn't lose them. The lack of distractions allowed me to focus in on the exact task at hand and give it the undivided attention it deserved.