2007 Goals, Targets and Resolutions

Who knows what to call them? I sure don't, but I've seen several different strategies and personally I always write them down in my paper journal and then go back at the end of the year to see what I accomplished. I didn't do so hot on my 2006 ones. Especially the one about that beautiful guitar that is sitting just behind me right now taunting me to play it. Some are big and some are small but here is what I'd like to accomplish in 2007.

  • Embrace a Healthier Life Two years ago I got on a fitness kick. I was eating better and playing racquetball every day at lunch for a solid hour. I was losing weight and loving how well it was going. Then I blew out my knee and switched jobs and I no longer had the time to go to the gym in the middle of the day like I always did and I completely reverted back to my old ways . This isn't a matter of pounds and inches (but they will both be nice side effects) but rather about a total shift in the way I live each day.
  • Redo the Accident Hash Web Site I just never got around to it this year, but have already got the conversations going about this for early next year. I've been so focused on other things that I somehow missed this one right in front of my face.
  • Read More Books I have shelves of books that I've never read. Right here in front of me on my desk I've got several that I have recently purchased and never read. I'm going to make an effort to unplug every couple of days for at least an hour and chill out with a good book. Hope to make it a healthy dose of fiction and non-fiction.
  • Write a Book This has been on my "must do before I die" list ever since I put one together. I just have to make a commitment to write it. Who knows if it'll actually ever get published and that whole part of the game, but I want to write a book. I have two ones outlines right now. One could be viewed as a printed companion to Managing the Gray with heavy focus on new marketing, new media and new ways of thinking in general. The other is more focused on the softer side of business mixed with life. I came up with it while camping in the Boundary Waters with my Dad this summer. I even wrote the opening chapter.
  • Teach My Kids to Fish They already know the basics, but for my birthday they gave me a bunch of fishing gear because as Emily said "you already have the canoe." So this summer I'll buy a license and get out on the water with the kids.
  • Hike Three Mountains I honestly don't remember the last time I stood on top of a mountain. This is me! The Cathedral of the Pines dude. What is wrong with me? I picked three because I know that time is going to be a problem too, but I need to make this happen. Kind of goes with the first goal if I do it right.
  • Launch a New Video Podcast Some people might go, "You already did this with One Guy's Thoughts."To which I would say, "Nope, that's not the one I'm talking about." *grin*
  • Take MORE Pictures I don't take nearly as many as I should be with the nice camera I have. I need to just go out and do photo walks. Grab Steve Garfield and a bunch of other Flickr fanatics and take pictures of anything and everything.
  • Host a Podsafe Concert in Boston Every year I try to make this happen and I have yet to be successful with it. I chase down every lead. Every contact someone gives me and yet after different levels of enthusiasm and interest it always seems to die. I've got tons of great acts, I've got the promotional outlets. The only thing I don't have is a venue to host it in. So anyone with a Boston area music venue who wants to hold a bi-monthly show of killer music artists from around the country/globe please let me know!
  • Cook With More Variety I love to cook and I'm very good at it. But, I seem to be in a rut lately when it comes to cooking the same things over and over. I have PILES of cookbooks and recipes that I've cut out. Now that the kids are older and can deal with "eat what is on your plate" I can experiment some more and try new things. I know what they like and don't so I can at least shoot in the right direction. Maybe I'll post the really good ones here.
  • Make crayon a Success This is an ongoing goal or else I wouldn't have joined the company in the first place, but still I want to make sure I say it out loud so that I never forget it. We are making good steps in the right direction, but I want to be at the end of 2007 looking back and going DAMN SKIPPY at the success we've had.

I talked about these with my kids today. Taught them what they were and why it's good to do them. Why it's more important to actually constantly be evaluating goals and setting them through out the year. That's what makes people successful I think. The ability to constantly not be satisfied and always striving for more. Keeps ya on your toes!

Welcome to 2007! Get ready for a year of fun!

What 5 PODSAFE songs would make KILLER music videos?