Train: In Concert

Train: In Concert


Last week, Ford and Sony had myself and the Cast of Dads out to New York to cover the New York International Auto Show. While seeing some cool cars was exciting, for me the highlight was being able to see the band Train in concert again and to shoot some photographs of the concert.

Concert photography is hard, but it is exciting and fun at the same time since the energy is always so high and with the right band you never know what kind of shots you are going to get. Plus, ask any concert photographer and they'll tell you that you shoot hundreds of photos to get just a few keepers. I always love adding new photos to my Live Music set which I don't get to do as often as I'd like.

Here are some of my favorite shots from the show.

Train Performs at Sony & Ford Party

Train Performs at Sony & Ford Party

Train Performs at Sony & Ford Party

Train Performs at Sony & Ford Party

Train Performs at Sony & Ford Party

Train Performs at Sony & Ford Party


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