BIG Content Rules

As you know, my first book Content Rules comes out on November 30th everywhere that books and ebooks are sold so we are in full blown marketing mode. Today I had this nice BIG surprise show up at my house.

It is moments like this when the reality of it all comes into focus. I'm going to be a published author. That is a big deal to me.

I'm finally kicking my cold and just in time since I'm speaking at the Inbound Marketing Summit this week and then jumping on a plane to Indianapolis to give a keynote on Saturday. Being sick and flying is not a fun combination so I'm glad I won't have to do it.

While I'm one to doubt myself often enough, I recorded a new Managing the Gray today focusing on pushing through your doubts. Give it a listen and let me know what you think. I hope my advice is in line with your thinking and if not perhaps it'll kick you forward.

Keep smiling and make the most of the day.

Inbound Marketing Summit Interview

Making The Most of the Minutes