Ok, so the truth is that I can't grow much facial hair. Sure, I can get good and scruffy, but beyond that it has never really worked out. So when I first got pitched about the whole Movember movement I loved the idea but didn't want to take part because well....I can't grow a mustache!
But, as I watched my good friend Drew kick cancer's ass it really inspired me that I needed to stop my complaining and start my growing. After all, I'd much rather have a horrible mustache then cancer.
So, like many men around the world I shaved on November 1st and at the end of the month we'll see what I got. My Team Mofries is already doing well and I hope they chime in to let us all know how they are doing.
PLEASE donate any amount you can as all donations help. If you want to help spread the word feel free to share the link http://www.helpingthecause.com which I have going right to the donation page.
I'm taking pictures every day and many will be shared on Flickr and you can be sure I'll be doing something with them all at the end of the month.
Cancer is something that all of us can relate to. It is a horrible thing that I hope future generations won't have to worry about. If you or your company have the means to donate, I'd greatly appreciate it.