Busy, But Productive Days

It goes without saying that the busier I am, the less I blog. Nature of the beast and all that. Right now is a very exciting, but busy time in my life. The Advance Guard just won another contract and we've been having some of the most amazing conversations with people. Every day it seems something new and exciting is presenting itself and I love that feeling.

This week Emily celebrated a birthday and I couldn't help but smile when she told me, "for my birthday dinner I want grilled steak, scallops and green beans." that is my little girl! Of course she is not so little anymore and quite often I have to remind myself that she is actually younger then Dylan. They act the same age most of the time.

I'm excited that everyone is reacting so positively to Emily Explains It as well as Digital Dads.  Both are total sites of passion and I'm having a blast with both so it is very fulfilling that people are enjoying them.

This week I also secured a new sponsor for Accident Hash that I'm excited to announce next week. Different then any sponsor I've had before and this came directly to me since I can now find my own advertisers for my podcasts. Like I said, lots of exciting stuff going on.

Saturday is here and while it is rather beautiful out, I'm taking a few minutes to catch up on all the photographs I've taken recently but have yet to do anything with them. Focusing on the lacrosse ones right now and then can get to all the other ones.

I'm alive and well. Just cranking through life. Or as Gary V would say "I'm crushing it!" *laugh*

They Grow Up Too Fast

MTG 77 - Passion is Contagious