I'm up and getting ready to head into PodCamp Boston 3. Took this snap randomly and for fun since I usually take one as the event starts.
My goals for the weekend are:
- To reconnect with friends I have not seen in a while
- Meet new people and introduce them whoever I know that can help answer their questions if I can't.
- Give a solid presentation on Sunday
- Introduce people to our client mDialog and the members of the team who will be there.
- Get energized and recharged for all the activities I'm involved in. (this has always been a side effect of conferences where I come away full of energy)
It should be an interesting weekend. I'm very curious to see how (if any) it will be different from previous PodCamps. The limited number of tickets, the registration cost, the new location. I'm curious to see how it rolls and I'm confident it will be a great time and a great conference.
Hope to see you there.