C.C. Chapman

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I'm Calling a Mulligan on the Morning

Last night I was working on something and literally hit a wall with it. You ever get that way? Where it feels that your going back and forth, but never really getting to the point you want to? I'm sure we all do, but last night it really got to me. Happens sometimes. Then this morning I had the urge to record a Managing the Gray. I wanted to do something different so I sat down on my couch in the living room and gave this new iPhone Application called iTalk a spin. I had tested the audio quality before and was VERY impressed with it.

Tactical TransparencyBut, as I played it back in CastBlaster, there was this loud beep every few minutes. It was short and nothing too major, but I couldn't imagine someone listening to that with headphones and what it would feel like. So I ditched the show. I've contacted Griffin about it because I think they have an amazing application, but that one little thing is a deal breaker for me.

One good bit of news (and I talked about it on the podcast) was that I received the new book Tactical Transparency by Shel Holtz and John C. Havens. I can't wait to read it and share my thoughts.

So while I'm not a golfer at all, I've always loved the term for a do-over or a mulligan.

I'm calling a mulligan on this morning and starting over. It's the only way to keep my sanity. At least until I get about an hour on the water with my canoe which was suggested by my buddy Andy and I love the idea.

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