Random subject line. I use to do that from time to time to see who is paying attention an this morning I had my Skype title set as something like "so many worlds to conquer.....so little time." For no real reason, but it made me laugh when Matthew Ebel caught it and asked me about it.
I got a nice surprise today on the home page of PodShow.com as you can see here. It still makes me laugh to think that it's only been two years for Accident Hash. With everything that has happened and change in those two years it feels a lot longer!!
Today has been a rough day. A million little things and conversations but nothing big to really sink my teeth into. Loving the variety of "what's your thoughts on this?", "got any unique solutions over here?" It's very exciting, but sometimes your in the mood for Tapas and some times you want a big sit down meal. Guess I'm leaning towards the second one at the moment.
On the music from the new CD from Black Lab arrived today. I'm on my second listen through of it right now and it's really good. Passion Leaves a Trace is the title and the cover art is stunning. I need to find out who the artist is. I also got my first sneak of the renovated Dirty U-Turn Cafe and boy am I smiling!!
Lunch tomorrow with Chris Brogan. That makes me happy too.