What Will Do the Trick?
Yesterday Dylan finally had a baseball practice and I helped out. It was the first time I had smiled in days and I had such a good time doing it. Yeah, I've been in this weird funk where nothing is motivating me or seeming to be going in a positive direction. Laura says you can just look at me and see that I'm not doing well. I've told her (and told the world yesterday) that I have no idea what is going on. Today I'm going to do everything to get out of it though. I hit the gym, made some breakfast and am now recording an Accident Hash. We'll see what happens.
I'm also really getting into the idea of doing more and more One Guy's Thoughts. That's my video podcast that I've never done on any sort of schedule up till now. It was originally kicked off as a way to beta test VidBlaster and while that is still the case, I've also found that it feels great to do it. To have another outlet just like this blog to do whatever I want with it. Is it entertainment? Who knows. It's just brain slurpee material for sure but I like it.
I started this post a while ago and in the time since I started I had a phone call with Coca-Cola, rendered the latest video podcast from this morning, responded to a bunch of work e-mail and recorded a new Accident Hash. It IS looking like a better day to me on all fronts.