Unplugged Day

I said today would be "unplugged" but when I went to bed suddenly last night after feeling severaly off I left my computers on and they were sitting here. Fresh from a haircut for Dylan the kids are watching some TV so a blog post felt right. No checking e-mail, twitter or anything else though. It IS a challenge to do that, but I'm going to be fine.

Photogamer #4 -

Just took this picture of Dylan chilling on the couch. He wanted "a high and tight" today at the barbershop and he certainly needed it! This is also my Photogamer submission for "something I love" which is when Dylan is really quiet and cuddly. These times will be less and less as he gets older so I'm capturing them now.

Also got to teach Dylan some little life lessons today after the haircut. It was packed today since the second barber wasn't around. Dylan asked if he could sweep the floor. He did a great job at it. Afterwards the barber gave him a dollar as payment and told him he'd be a reference for him anytime.

I stressed to Dylan that he shouldn't expect money for every little nice thing he does. That he'll get much more out of life by doing good things for people and that the money is not the important part. I also explained what a reference was since he asked. It made for a great conversation on the ride home.

Laura leaves for Vegas tonight. Girl's weekend away. She's going to have a blast for sure. Been a long time since it's been just me and kids at home for more then a day or two. We'll be fine and have fun. Just different. That means the strawberry shortcake we were suppose to have yesterday we are going to have this afternoon as a special snack before she leaves. And Poppa Chapman will be happy to know Dylan picked out biscuits to have it on. He thought I was kidding that it was an ok choice.

I Still Like My Newspaper

Homefry Luggage