C.C. Chapman

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It's really all Cat's fault, but I love her so I'm not mad. You know how people like Chris Brogan and others are always taking pictures of themselves through out the day and what not? Well earlier today both Christopher Penn and I both took pictures of ourselves at work with our new books we got in the mail. Bryan Person made a comment about slacking and taking pictures and then Cat made a comment about slacking as well and I used the phrase "slacker shots" which got me thinking.

A quick check at GoDaddy told me that the domain was free. How could I pass that up?

SO.............SlackerShots.com is now pointing to http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/slackershots . If you are using Flickr just tag your photos with slackershots and they will show up.

What Christopher and I both were discussing as this was happening is that what is so funny is that we are FAR from slacking but some people seem to not see that.

So take pictures of yourself at work. "Waste" a couple of minutes and upload them to Flickr. Experiment? Randomness? Who knows. It's just good old fun filled new media at play.