Don't let this mellowed out picture of Scott Sigler fool you. We were having breakfast in NYC and neither of us was quite awake yet. This man has issues and now he's taken it a step further then I thought he would with his new announcement.
Scott and I have become good friends over the years and I'm also a total fan of his writing. So today when he gets on Skype and sends me a file called "Scott Sigler Wants to Kill You.mp3" I couldn't wait to hear what it was.
A man with as big of a head and a fan base as he, has needs his own fan site and he now has it at
By registering you'll get access to the latest information, but you'll also be entered into the drawing to have your name be a victim in his latest podiobook Nocturnal that is launching on Halloween night.
I can't wait to see what sick and twisted mayhem he has in store for us this time! Scott could be labeled just another horror writer, but that is like calling Stephen King just another horror writer. He brings so much more to the table and he is getting better in my opinion. I'm already looking forward to Infected coming out on April 1st!
Scott, even if you do want to kill me I'm down with it.