It is still dark out as I sit down to dump my thoughts to the screen. I'm up because I've got a plane to catch to Atlanta and I have a feeling I'm going to get stuck in Chicago. Not the best airport to have so little time between flights, but I guess that is what happens when you don't book the travel sometimes. I'm headed down for the Virtual Thirst unveiling on Thursday. It'll be fun to get the winning prize out there and for people to be able to see it and react. Plus, it'll be good to see the team from Coca-Cola again since it has been a while since we have been face-to-face.
I still owe everyone a post about The Advance Guard and what we are up to. What I can say is that we are busy. As with any new business we've been writing a lot of proposal, but we've also been working on a lot of things. Plus I'm learning all the ins and outs of setting up a company and the behind the scenes administration of things that has to happen. It is an exciting time for me though. I haven't been this happy in a long time.
Dylan just got up. He was hoping to eat breakfast fast and then play Guitar Hero before school. Gotta love that kid.
I need to make sure I have everything and then hit the road.