An American Classic Gone

I'm a sucker for the old fashion, the mom and pop, the corner diner. Those things make me happy. I try to eat at that type of establishment ahead of any sort of chain or mass produced food place whenever possible. On vacation the kids know we have a rule that we can't eat at any place we have at home or any chains. It is not allowed. So, this morning when Laura nudged me in bed with the phrase "It's Sal's" I knew the news couldn't be good. (read about it here)

Sal's was a restaurant in Waltham that we went to a lot since I started attending Bentley. We've hung out. Planned movies. We've ate a ton of steak & cheese subs there. The family was awesome and the customers alway great.

I just had dinner there with Vacc less then a month ago. I was going to take pictures and didn't for some reason and now I regret it BIG time. Further reason that I'm going to always take photos of everything and everyone because you just don't know when someone or something might be taken away from you.

Sal's was the epitome of the American Dream. I really hope someone figures out a way to rebuild this.

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